35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know!!

       March 18, 2024

35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know

For individuals working in sales, understanding sales terminology is essential. Due to the abundance of terms that are often misused or used incorrectly on a daily basis, even experienced sales professionals may occasionally become confused. As a result, we have put together a compilation of the top 35 beneficial sales terms that every salesperson should be familiar with. Review the list in order to enhance your sales abilities.

1. ABC

35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know

Account-based selling is a sales approach where the entire company is focused on converting a small number of high-quality leads rather than a large number of leads. his targeted approach can be extremely useful if a company wants to leverage a high-profile client to attract additional, lower-profile customers through marketing pull.

2. Benefits

A product's benefits solve a prospect's problems. Effective sales reps first highlight the benefits that prospects want, then explain how the product's features will deliver those benefits.



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3. Feature

A feature is an aspect of a product that directly benefits a customer.

4. BANT framework

Budget: Can the lead afford the product?
Authority: Is the lead a decision-maker with the purchasing authority?
Need: Does the lead or their business have a need for the product?
Time: Is the lead likely to buy the product in the next sales cycle?

5. Cross-selling

Cross-selling involves offering an extra product or service to a customer. It happens when a sales representative recognizes that a customer could benefit from more than one offering.

6. Upselling

Upselling is a strategy utilized by sales representatives to enhance the value of a purchase by persuading potential customers to opt for a more premium option than the one initially considered. Upsell opportunities may involve add-on features, higher-priced items, or upgraded subscriptions based on the nature of the business.

7. Cold calling

Cold calling is a method of reaching out to a potential customer through an unsolicited phone call in order to convert them into a prospective client. It allows for quickly and personally contacting numerous leads.

8. Prospecting

Prospecting is the process of finding and connecting with potential customers. It is a critical aspect for businesses, as maintaining a robust sales pipeline requires constant activity and acquiring new leads.

9. Sales Pitch or Script

Sales scripts are crafted conversations or instructions utilized by sales representatives during their interactions with potential customers. These scripts can vary in level of detail, ranging from precise word-for-word dialogues to concise bullet points for the sales rep to cover. Sales scripts play a crucial role in maintaining consistency in company branding and sales strategy.

35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know

10. Pain point

Understanding and recognizing customer pain points is essential for sales representatives, as these are specific issues that potential customers face and hope to resolve with products or services offered by your company.

11. Objection

During a sales conversation, objections refer to any concerns brought up by prospects. These concerns often revolve around the price or the perceived necessity of a product. Sales representatives frequently rely on scripts to effectively handle these objections while also showing understanding towards the prospect's worries.

12. Markup

A markup denotes an increment in the price of a product or service. Typically, it is implemented to offset high production expenses or declines in revenue and profit. Mark-ups carry a certain level of risk as they may discourage existing customers, yet they can also rescue a struggling company during a challenging month or quarter.

13. Discovery call

An introductory call is the first discussion a potential customer (soon-to-be prospect) engages in with a sales representative. This may involve an unsolicited call or a prearranged call following an inquiry. The introductory call plays a vital role in identifying the prospect's challenges and establishing a favorable atmosphere for the partnership.

14. Social selling

Social selling is an effective sales approach where sales representatives and organizations utilize social media platforms to engage with potential customers and maintain relationships with existing ones. In the realm of social selling, social media serves as a channel for communication and fostering leads, rather than being the actual platform for sales transactions.

15. Soft sell

Soft selling involves sales representatives investing time in establishing trust with potential customers and collaborating with them to identify the most suitable solution. This approach is currently highly favored in the consumer market and is widely adopted by numerous sales professionals.

16. Value proposition

A value proposition is a breakdown of all the benefits provided by a product or service. Sales reps may choose to emphasize or omit certain benefits from this list depending on the prospect.

17. Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantitative metrics used to evaluate the performance of a business or individual employee. KPIs are normally set as goalposts, not requirements. Common KPIs include annual growth, conversion rates, number of cold calls made, and number of products sold.

18. Lead scoring!

Lead scoring involves a system of ranking leads based on their potential value to the business. This process assists sales representatives in pinpointing the leads that are most inclined to make a purchase. The top-ranked leads are those who have the financial capability to buy the product, would derive benefits from it, and have a current need for the product.

19. Annual contract value (ACV)

ACV, or annual contract value, represents the average yearly revenue generated from a specific customer. This metric is commonly employed in B2B enterprises or B2C businesses that operate on a subscription model, where customers make recurring purchases. Although ACV can be valuable in estimating annual revenue, its main purpose lies in determining the timeframe required to recover the expenses associated with acquiring a customer.

20. Annual recurring revenue (ARR)

Annual recurring revenue (ARR) refers to the total revenue a company anticipates earning within a year, encompassing all its customers rather than just a single one. ARR plays a crucial role in facilitating precise long-term planning and determining future pricing strategies. It is important to note that ARR solely encompasses repeat purchases and does not account for first-time customers.

21. Churn rate!

Customer churn rate refers to the proportion of customers who discontinue purchasing from your company within a specific period. This key performance indicator is determined by dividing the number of customers lost by the conclusion of the time frame by the total number of customers at the commencement of the period.

22. Closing ratio

The closing ratio is a sales metric used to measure sales agent success. It compares the number of closed deals to the number of prospects the agent interacted with. A closing ratio can also be used to predict future sales or make strategy adjustments.

35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know

23. Conversion rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of prospects that completed the desired action. Just like conversion, the conversion rate can refer to a sale.

24. Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

The customer acquisition cost (CAC) denotes the financial investment made in acquiring a customer. This encompasses marketing expenditures, sales representative compensation and commission, as well as the labor hours devoted to enticing the customer. In order for a company to achieve profitability, the revenue generated from the customer must surpass the expenses incurred in attracting them.

25. Customer lifetime value (CLV)

CLV, also known as customer lifetime value, is a calculated estimate of the total monetary value that a customer is expected to contribute to your company throughout their lifetime.

26. Forecasting

Sales forecasting is the process of predicting future sales so your company can make budgeting, supply, and marketing decisions. Forecasts come from a variety of factors, including past profits, industry trends, supply chain status, and sales rep success metrics.

27. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS serves as a measurement to evaluate customer loyalty. It involves conducting a survey where customers are asked about their likelihood of recommending the business or product to others.

28. Quota

A quota refers to the number of sales a rep is expected to achieve over a specific time frame (usually a month).

29. Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

Bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) prospects are very close to making a purchase decision. They have all the facts they need, they’ve connected with the company, and they’re ready to buy.

30. Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

Middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) prospects are in the middle of the sales funnel. At this stage, the prospect has a relationship with the sales rep and is learning more about the products and solutions.

31. Top of the funnel (TOFU)

Top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) prospects are at the beginning of the sales funnel. They may have expressed interest or contacted sales, but they’re not completely sure what their pain points are or what features they need from a product or service.

32. Buying criteria

Buying criteria are the specific details that customers seek before finalizing a purchase. These criteria encompass both objective information, such as pricing, as well as subjective information that highlights why your company stands out as a superior choice compared to your competitors.

35 Essential Sales Terms you need to know

33. Buying signal

Buying signals are indicators that a customer is ready to buy. Sales reps use these cues to figure out when it’s time to push for a close. Some buying signals include signing up for demos or asking specific contract questions.

34. Customer success

Customer success is the systematic approach of ensuring that customers derive maximum value from their business purchases. Certain organizations allocate specific departments to oversee this process, encompassing various aspects such as customer relations and technical support.

35. Decision-maker

The decision-maker is the person who can sign off on a sale. When you’re reviewing a lead’s authority qualification in B2B sales, you’re often looking to see if they are the decision-maker or if they have direct contact with the decision-maker.